Tuesday, November 08, 2005

oh... to have a digital camera

Whatever you’re doing, stop...get on a plane, or the T, or a Harley. Come to Boston, and walk through the Common and Public Garden. Spectacular. We’re having a fantastic fall. I can’t believe how gorgeous it is. There are yellows and reds and oranges - - the leaves are on fire. Meanwhile, the grass has stayed this beautiful bright green, which makes for this amazing contrast amidst a backdrop of red brick, tall buildings, blue sky and a marble gazebo. Mix these with tons of sunshine and a slight chill in the air, and you’ve got an unforgettable day. I’m starting to see why people live here year after year.
Fall hit suddenly here, and only sort of (since it was still getting into the 70s). I was sick for two days and didn't really leave the house. Then I went outside and my yard was covered with leaves. From green to on the ground, and I missed it all! And now I have to rake without having seen the pretty fall colors on my lone tree.

I bet the commons is beautiful this time of year though. I need to find some place like that down here that's convenient for me. Or maybe I should just visit Boston more often.
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